I have been doing this now for about a month and am beginning to see the possibilities. Here are some of my thoughts on how a Real Estate Agent could use a blog. I would think it could be specific to your farm area. You could advertise your blog in your printed materials, and have a link from your website. I can see it being used to post information pertinent to your farm. You could provide services to your clients by posting garage sales, or notices about lost pets etc... I would also imagine it would be where you could post information about new listings or properties that have sold. You may even post information about new remodels, or changes at the local grade school or information about the local boys and girls scouts. Your blog could really be a place where the people in your farm area come for all kinds of useful information on a regular basis. And once they get involved commenting on some of your posts it can really be a place for them to interact and discuss some of your posts online. Posting is as simple as typing an email or sending a picture via email. I know it will take some consistent effort to make it a worthwhile resource for you and your customers, but does anything ever come easy anymore? Below are a few links to sites that might give you some other ideas as to what to include. http://www.mymcclellanville.net/
Goleta Council, Community Recognize Roger Aceves for 16 Years of Service to
He is the longest-serving council member in city history and has never
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2 years ago
Thanks for using me as an example in your article. Good blogging is all about making a connection with your reader. I try to put myself in my readers shoes' (both local and out-of-town) and answer their questions before they ask them. Being a resource guide is a great way to build readership and a strong client base over time.
Daniel Bates - MyMcClellanville.net
My pleasure Daniel, I'm just getting the hang of this and appreciate your words of encouragement.
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