Talk about a hot topic! I'm not certain anything in Santa Barbara has been getting more press than the issue of Building Height Restrictions.
We've even seen someone start a blog specifically focused on the building height issue. The author goes by the name of Captain Haley.
Speaking of blogs, one of the hottest posts at Blogabarbara which elicited 42 comments was on the subject of building heights.
The Daily Sound has run articles on the 76 station as well as on the building height issue.
The Santa Barbara Housing Bubble did a post on one of the developments on Chapala which caught the attention of the developers who made some comments that were attacked by many and stirred up the emotion of this topic.
Noozhawk has one of the more comprehensive articles on the issue. They received comments from both sides of the battle and do a terrific job of reviewing the issues.
Organizations have sprung up like Save Coast Village Road who rallied behind doing what they could to stop the development of the 76 station on Coast Village Road.
The owner of the 76 station John Price even put up a website to express his side of the story.
Save El Pueblo Viejo is working to put an initiative on the ballet to limit building heights.
This battle is really heating up and I'm not quite sure if it will ever end. The never ending battle between property owners who are trying to make the most out of a very valuable investment and many people who would like Santa Barbara to continue to have a very small town feeling, emphasis on the small is going to continue.
My hopes are that the City Council and the organizations that are involved take a very prudent and responsible look at what needs to be done to continue to respect all the issues we are faced with. I don't think that limiting the heights or density or any other regulation is going to be the answer that makes things work. I think it is going to be the diligence and good judgement of many of our community members and elected officials that will allow us to make the necessary changes one building at a time to keep Santa Barbara one of the most desirable places to live and work in the world.
See You In Escrow
Goleta Council, Community Recognize Roger Aceves for 16 Years of Service to
He is the longest-serving council member in city history and has never
missed a meeting; his term officially ends on Dec. 20
2 years ago
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